Contact Us

We Love Hearing From You


Please read through our site in entirety.  You will find most answers to your questions can be found quickly on our home page, about page or services page.

However, please reach out to us if you have any further questions, concerns, or if you are looking to enroll your child.  We will be happy to assist you!

Please be patient with us!  We have limited staff who assist the students throughout the day.  Our headmaster will be in touch with you via email, usually within one business day (or by Monday if on a weekend).  Do check your spam folder daily if you haven't heard from us (click "not spam" if found) and add to your contacts to ensure all future emails arrive timely to your proper inbox.

Please be advised that the headmaster is autistic and prefers contact via email. If you call the school you will be sent to voicemail and your call will be returned when we are able.

We thank you for your consideration and understanding.

List your business with us!

Add your business below and get noticed by all our school families and web visitors.  Your listing will help our school grow and provide supplies for our students. The cost is $50 per year plus a $35 one-time setup fee.